Category: Global trends / Society - page 4

Wat je nu echt moet weten over Snapchat

Ik wist dat het bestond, natuurlijk. Maar opeens was het overal: Snapchat in nieuwbrieven, blogposts, op het OCLC congres, in de krant, in gesprekken. Meestal samen met Instagram genoemd in de context van “the next big thing” op het gebied van social media. Instagram kennen we inmiddels wel, al is het maar van de “vette”..

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Crowdfunding for academia

Every university wants to encourage the entrepreneurship of its students and at the same time, increase its visibility through their output. One new way is via the social supporting models of crowdfunding (financial support from an online community) and the crowdsourcing (support with services, ideas or content from an online community). Both were a hype in 2013 but they stayed around..

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Trends 2016: Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

With all the technological developments from the last year IamWIRE says that if 2015 was the year of the sensors (products), 2016 will be the year of user experiences due to the release of high tech devices in the consumer market. They are referring to three of the most important technological developments that will emerge as..

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