Category: Libraries & Publishers - page 5

Open Access articles rush: oaDOI and Google Scholar

Finding open access article versions of the ones behind the paywall seems pretty easy with Google Scholar. Yet, with a new identifier, the oaDOI (, Impact Story promises going beyond Google Scholar for articles with a DOI. Short history: last summer Impact Story, one of the main players in altmetrics, challenged everyone to make a profile on their website and check out..

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Tools, tools en social media voor academia

image: Todd Quackenbush via Unsplash Dat er voor wetenschappers veel handige tools en communities beschikbaar zijn, wisten we al uit het onderzoek van UKB collega’s Bianca Kramer en Jeroen Bosman. Zij hielden een wereldwijde enquete die uiteindelijk door meer dan 20,000 mensen werd ingevuld. De resultaten publiceerden ze in eerste instantie als 101 innovations in..

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A Day in the Life of a (Serious) Researcher

“How would you design a research library to respond to the preferences and needs of today’s researchers?” were the librarians of Cornell University asking, in their quest to envision the future Research Library. To answer to this question, the librarians had to hear from researchers themselves. They realised they had to accept the evidence and understand..

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